Future Secondary Students: What do you want to know?
Future Secondary Students - What do you want to know more about when it comes to high school?
The pandemic has changed not only the way we learn and teach, but also how we interact with new students and families. Our Catholic secondary schools want to help by understanding what it is you want to know.
- Do you need information about registering?
- Do you want to know more about courses that we offer?
- Maybe you want to hear about our sports teams and clubs?
We are surveying our future families and students to find out how we can help.
Let us know what you need and we will make sure we include the information during our Virtual Secondary Open Houses that run from January 18-22, 2021.
Take our survey and share what you want to know! Link to survey: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/176885031 The survey is open until December 11, 2020.
More news....
We are excited to share that we will be offering Virtual Secondary Open Houses from January 18 - 22, 2021! Beginning Jan 18th, visit one of our secondary school websites (trinitycatholic.ca | assumptionlions.com | sjconline.ca ) to hear from students and staff! See inside the classrooms, access our registration and course selection forms, or email your course questions directly to specific department staff who are here to help you navigate 'high school'. Missed our future secondary student question survey? No problem! Submit your questions directly to our secondary school administrators during the virtual open house! BHNCDSB secondary schools: More courses, more choices, more options!