News from the Boardroom
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
At the November 24, 2020 Meeting of the Board of Trustees...
The Board received a presentation on the BHNCDSB Digital Citizenship resource. A series of online modules that has been created for each division in the Elementary and Secondary schools modelling responsible digital citizenship through the lens of our Catholic faith.
Committee and Staff Reports
Student Trustee Report
Trustees received the Student Trustee Report that included:
“All schools had ample participation during Halloween. Students had the opportunity to show their spirit by coming dressed in their costumes, tie-dye, or orange/black getup. Assumption student council has stopped holding virtual meetings and instead, is choosing to post any relevant information to their group Facebook page. St. Johns and Holy Trinity are continuing to hold their meetings in person and over zoom.
Holy Trinity is comprising a student council retreat that will be outdoors in order to adhere to public health guidelines. They are hoping to create an opportunity to get to know the newer members and bond more as a council. Once they decide on a retreat, the other two councils will most likely mimic it.
A topic of discussion was the creation of a school point system. This has been done at
St. Johns and has proven to be successful. The school is divided by grade and they compete for points (the grade with the most points is rewarded). Points are accumulated by participating in school run activities and fundraising. Holy Trinity and Assumption are thinking of adopting this tactic to increase student involvement.
Assumptions annual pennies for heaven campaign is being run differently this year due to COVID. Rather than hosting a marketplace, every Wednesday from the 11th of November to the 16th of December will be a dress down day. The proceeds will go towards buying Christmas items and essentials for Assumptions less fortunate families. All other Christmas events have been cancelled for all three schools. There has been a slight increase of students migrating to online learning this quad. This is specific to Assumption and St. Johns.”