Missed Photo Day?
Missed Photo Day?
Edge Imaging will have their professional photo studio set-up at the CORDAGE HERITAGE DISTRICT, 111 SHERWOOD DRIVE, UNIT 26, BRANTFORD, ON, offering school day photos and Graduation photo sessions, on July 6 and July 13. The sessions will adhere to strict public health guidelines just like during the past school year.
To book an appointment:
1. Using a web browser, visit: www.edgeimaging.ca/popup
2. Scroll to the Graduation Photography or School Day Photography section.
3. Select Brant Haldimand Norfolk Grad or Brant Haldimand Norfolk School Day Photo button. The Find Your School webpage displays.
4. Type the Name of Your School in the search box. Choose Submit. The page updates with your school's information.
5. Complete the 'appointment' selections including date and time.
6. Choose Confirm Now. Your appointment is booked.
For any questions, please contact Edge Imaging directly. Remember, the sessions are held at CORDAGE HERITAGE DISTRICT, 111 SHERWOOD DRIVE, UNIT 26, BRANTFORD, ON, not at your school.