Tuesday, April 5 2022
Attention all Grade 12s. Please note a calendar change. This year’s prom has been scheduled for Friday, June 3rd. Please disregard the May 26th date in the calendar. Again, prom is now Friday, June 3rd, so save the date. Tickets will go on sale during the first week of May. Prom attendance is open to anyone on roll at St. John’s in Grade 12 or older this current school year, along with one guest, subject to the approval of administration.
Attention students looking for community hours opportunities. The Paris Soccer Club is looking for volunteer coaches and assistant coaches. Students can email the Paris Soccer Club at admin@parissoccer.ca. The St. George Soccer Club is also looking for volunteer coaches. The St. George Soccer Club offers a free clinic for all coaches. Students can email the St. George Soccer Club at admin@stgeorgesoccerclub.ca. Also, a program that serves breakfast to the homeless at Alexandra Presbyterian Church on Colborne Street in Brantford is looking for kitchen help and serving help on Thursdays between 8:45 and 9:45 am. This opportunity is open to students with a first period spare and their own transportation. Information is posted on the bulletin board outside of Student Services for all these opportunities.
There is a Scholarship Opportunity for Grade 12’s from the Brantford Regional Real Estate Association or BRREA. This scholarship is awarded to two graduating students from a Brantford or Brant County high school, heading into post-secondary education. The application deadline is April 29th, 2022, at 4 pm. The information and application can also be found on our website at www.brrea.com/scholarship-program.
Senior book club will be meeting today at lunch in the library.
Attention Concert Band, our Sanderson Centre trip is today. If you are not already in the music room, please go there now.