Tuesday, April 12, 2022
There will be a Coop Orientation meeting today, Tuesday, April 12th at 10:30 am in the cafeteria for all students registered to take Coop next year. Please plan to attend. Attendance will be taken.
Attention students looking for community hours opportunities. A program that serves breakfast to the homeless at Alexandra Presbyterian Church on Colborne Street in Brantford is looking for kitchen help and serving help on Thursdays between 8:45 and 9:45 am. This opportunity is open to students with a first period spare and their own transportation. Information is posted on the bulletin board outside of Student Services.
There is a Scholarship Opportunity for Grade 12’s from the Brantford Regional Real Estate Association or BRREA. This scholarship is awarded to two graduating students from a Brantford or Brant County high school, heading into post-secondary education. The application deadline is April 29th, 2022, at 4 pm. The information and application can also be found on our website at www.brrea.com/scholarship-program.
Attention Graduates, here is another scholarship opportunity for students pursuing a degree related to science or technological careers. If you are accepting an offer of admission from a science or technological program and if you have an average of at least 90% in your best 6 university entrance courses subjects which includes 2 science credits, then consider picking up a yellow application from Student Services for the James Hillier Foundation Scholarship. Applications are due back to Student Services by Friday, April 29th, 2022.
Attention math contest writers from grade 9 – 11. The math contest results are in. Please visit Mr. Todd in room 202 or email him to get your math contest results.