Thursday, November 30, 2017
Are you a student taking Grade Ten French this year in semester one or two? Are you interested in practicing your language skills in a French speaking religion, and learning about French Canadian Culture? If a trip to Quebec City in February interests you, please see Madame Iliopoulos-Da Silva in Room 212 about the possibility of a four day excursion to Quebec City. Come by room 212 anytime today or tomorrow for more information
Attention all students interested in coming to a meeting of Le Club Francais: Our next meeting will take place tomorrow-Friday December 1st during both lunches. The guest speaker is a former student who will discuss his French-language experiences. Please sign up on the door of room 210 so that arrangements can be made based on the number of people attending. Venez au Club Francais.
Were you in Paris Saturday night at the semi-formal? Everyone looked amazing. The photos that were taken with the Eiffel Tower will be available for sale outside the caf on Junior and Senior lunches starting today. Come on out and see the fun photos.
All students participating in the trip to France and Italy with Madame D’Eramo are asked to go to room 210 in order to make a selection regarding one of your meals while on the trip. Please see Madame today. Also, please remember that your next payment is due at the agency this week as well.
To all book club members, the books are ready for pick up, please stop by the library and get your copy.
Attention Eco-team members, there will be a meeting today and tomorrow during junior lunch in room 110. Senior members are encouraged to check the SJC Eco-Team group for updates.