Friday, December 1, 2017
All students attending the meeting of Le Club Francais are asked to come to room 210 with your lunch at the start of the lunch period today. We will begin shortly after the lunch period begins.
Were you in Paris Saturday night at the semi-formal? Everyone looked amazing. The photos that were taken with the Eiffel Tower will be available for sale outside the caf on Junior and Senior lunches today. Come on out and see the fun photos.
Are you a student taking Grade Ten French this year in semester one or two? Are you interested in practicing your language skills in a French speaking religion, and learning about French Canadian Culture? If a trip to Quebec City in February interests you, please see Madame Iliopoulos-Da Silva in Room 212 about the possibility of a four day excursion to Quebec City. Come by room 212 anytime today for more information.
Attention Eco-team members, there will be a meeting today during junior lunch in room 110. Senior members are encouraged to check the SJC Eco-Team group for updates.
Attention if you are travelling to Greece and Italy on an art trip in March 2018, there will be a mandatory lunch meeting on Tuesday, December 5th. You must see Ms. Davies if you have junior lunch. You must see Mrs. DiStefano if you have senior lunch. It is very important that you attend this meeting.