Friday, January 12, 2018
Attention all grade 12 university bound students, the January 17th application deadline is quickly approaching. We ask that those students who have not yet submitted their 101 application to do so as soon as possible to avoid the frustration of slower online response times and delays. Do not put this off.
Attention Grade 12 students, are you interested in being a school nominated candidate for the Schulich Leader or Western National Scholarship Programs? These are awarded to students who possess academic excellence, creative and innovative thinking, a passion for learning, exceptional achievement in extracurricular activities and commitment to community service. Schulich Leader nominees must be planning to enroll in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math degree at University. Western National Scholarship nominees must be applying for full time admission to the main campus at Western. If you are interested in being nominated for either of these, please come to Student Services to pick up a preliminary application form. These applications are due back to Student Services by Monday, January 22nd for consideration.
Attention all students traveling to France and Italy with Madame D’Eramo during the March Break. Please see Madame in Room 210 in order to receive a letter from the travel agency regarding your final payment which is due no later than January 24th.