Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Our Annual Stage 12 Performance takes place this Friday, January 19th with our presentation of “The Most Massive Wins”, a dark, absurd comedy. Doors open at 6:30 and the curtain goes up at 7:00. Admission is only $5.00. You don’t want to miss this show.
Attention Grade 12 students, are you interested in being a school nominated candidate for the Schulich Leader or Western National Scholarship Programs? These are awarded to students who possess academic excellence, creative and innovative thinking, a passion for learning, exceptional achievement in extracurricular activities and commitment to community service. Schulich Leader nominees must be planning to enroll in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math degree at University. Western National Scholarship nominees must be applying for full time admission to the main campus at Western. If you are interested in being nominated for either of these, please come to Student Services to pick up a preliminary application form. These applications are due back to Student Services by Monday, January 22nd for consideration.
Attention all students traveling to France and Italy with Madame D’Eramo during the March Break. Please see Madame in Room 210 in order to receive a letter from the travel agency regarding your final payment which is due no later than January 24th.
Attention Grade 12 students, SJC Bursaries and Scholarships are now available at under the Student Services tab. There are a variety of awards available to apply for so be sure to check it out. Applications are due to Student Services by February 28th. More details and instructions are available in Student Services.
New York! New York! The New York art trip is fast approaching. Tomorrow-Thursday there will be a lunch meeting for all students who are interested in the New York art trip. The meeting is for all students who are interested and already received the information trip booklet, and for any new students who want information about the New York art trip. If this applies to you, you must see Ms. Davies in room 231 at junior lunch, or you must see Mrs. DiStefano in room 232 at senior lunch. Hope to see you there.
Attention students, you can apply for a summer job with the Ontario Government starting today. There are over 80 job types available in a number of different work environments including provincial parks, museums, offices and fields. Have fun while earning money and building your skills over the summer. Visit and search by the Student Career level to see all job postings available or see the posting outside of Student Services.
Book club will be running today during both lunches.
Attention Eco-Team members, there will be a meeting today during junior lunch in room 110.