Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Attention SJC girls, don’t miss out on the Dream It, Be It Career conference on Saturday, April 7th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Lunch provided, transportation pick up and door prizes. The Keynote speaker is Annaleise Carr. Seating is limited, pre-register at soroptimistgranderie.ca. Please come to student services for more information.
A reminder to all students participating in the France/Italy trip with Madame D’Eramo of the meeting today in room 210 at the start of junior and senior lunch. Final details will be provided.
All members of the Senior Boys Basketball team are asked to come to Room 141 at the beginning of senior lunch at 1 p.m. for a brief meeting with Mrs. Ronson.
Did you sign up for the New York Art trip? Well then, this message is for you. There will be a mandatory meeting today. If you have junior lunch, you must see Mrs. DiStefano at the beginning of lunch in room 232. If you have senior lunch, you must see Ms. Davies at the beginning of lunch in room 231. It is urgent that you attend this meeting.