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Grade 9 Registration Process for CURRENT BHNCDSB Grade 8 Students

Do you currently attend a BHNCDSB elementary school? 

No - Visit our NON-BHNCDSB student Grade 9 Registration webpage.

Yes - Please complete the "Current BHNCDSB Students" Registration Form: 

What you need to register (transfer from a BHNCDSB Feeder School to SJC)

Before you register (transfer from a BHNCDSB Feeder School to SJC), there are a few items you will need.

Please collect and prepare to upload, in electronic format (.pdf, .jpg, .png) the following:

  • Proof of Home Address (ie. Utility Statement, Purchase/Rental/Lease Agreement, Bank Document). A Driver’s Licence cannot be used as proof of address. 
  • Child’s Proof of Age and Legal Name (ie. Canadian Birth Certificate, Certificate of Canadian Citizenship, Canadian Passport, Permanent Resident Card-both sides, Status Card-both sides)

There are other forms that may be required as part of the online student registration process such as:​

  • Legal Guardianship/Custody Orders/Court Documents (if applicable)

*If you are an Out of Boundary applicant (meaning that there is another Catholic secondary school closer to your home), you are required to fill out an Out of Boundary form during the registration process. Registration is dependent on the outcome of the Out of Boundary application.

How to register (transfer from a BHNCDSB Feeder School to SJC)

  1. Use the Register for Grade 9 button (bottom of page) to access the Parent Portal. The Parent Portal login window displays.
  2. You will be prompted to create an account. Since your child is already attending a BHNCDSB School, you may already have a Parent Portal account. If you do, you do not need to create a new account. Please login to your current parent account using the email address already on file with your elementary school.


  1. Once logged into the Parent Portal, you will be able to select your child's name. The window updates.
  2. Choose the School Movement tab. The window updates displaying information fields.
  3. Add the required information, upload any required documents and complete all form fields.

Steps for BHNCDSB Grade 8 Students After Completing Online Registration

  1. SJC Guidance Counsellors will visit Grade 8 Feeder School Classes in early January.
  2. Visit SJC - Grade 8 Parent Night - Wednesday January 15, 2025 - tour the school, meet staff and students.
  3. SJC Guidance Counsellors return to Grade 8 Feeder School Classes in late January to complete course registration using myBlueprint. Be sure to print your course selection sheet and have it signed by a parent or guardian.
  4. Go to SchoolCashOnline and pay the $60.00 school activity fee. Be sure to print the receipt and attach it to the course sign off sheet OR include the receipt number on the space provided on the course sign off sheet.
  5. Hand in signed myBlueprint course selection sheet and the School Cash Online receipt to your Grade 8 teacher by Feburary 14th, 2025. 

We hope to see you all at our Grade 8 Parent Night on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 6pm for guided tours and additional information about high school.

Who do I contact for help with the registration/transfer process?

If you have questions, regarding course selections, please connect with your Grade 8 classroom teacher. 

If you have questions about the parent portal registration process, please contact Beth Spiers at 519-759-2318 |



(Link to Parent Portal to Register/Transfer)