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Monday, April 23, 2018

Our Spring Musical Fame is fast approaching.  Here’s their first video preview.  A reminder that tickets are now available in the Main Office. 


Attention Graduates, applications for the James Hillier Foundation Scholarship are now available at Student Services.  To qualify for this award, candidates must be nominated by their school, have an average of at least 90 percent, including two science courses and be pursuing a career in the scientific field.  If you are interested, please pick up an application form from Student Services.  Completed forms are due by April 26th. 

The Canadian Association of Retired Persons in looking for 6-8 Volunteers for Wednesday, May 9th from 9-4 at the Civic Centre arena.  Volunteers will be filling duties such as helping set up vendor displays, supervising reception services and maintaining supplies and services to exhibitors and attendees.  If you are interested in signing up, please contact student services. 

If you are pursuing a career in medicine or health care and live in Brant County or Brantford ask your guidance counselor or Ms. Koolen about The Endowment Fund of the Kiwanis Club of Grand River.  You may qualify for one of our bursaries.  Deadline to apply is May 31st. 

Grad events are quickly moving along.  All photos and fee collections are now complete.  Students who missed the photos and have not paid their fees have now received two letters from the school.  If these students do not contact the school before April 26, 2018 we will assume they do not wish to participate in the graduation ceremony.  With approximately 275 students participating in graduation, there will only be three guest passes per grad for the ceremony at the Sanderson Centre on June 28, 2018.  Due to the large graduating class we do not anticipate any extra guest passes.  Students are encouraged to ensure they have checked on the required diploma requirements for graduation:  30 credits, 40 hours of community service hours and fulfilled the literacy requirement.  Please note:  Grad Prom is Friday, May 25, 2018 at the Best Western Brant Park Inn between 5:30 and 10:00 p.m.  Tickets are $50.00 and will be sold April 30th to May 4, 2018.  Please see the April Grad Newsletter on St. John’s College website.  If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Camilleri.