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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Brant United Way is looking for students who would consider volunteering for their Giant Warehouse Sale.  There are lots of jobs, dates and times available.  Please fill out the online application at Brant united  Volunteer hours can start as soon as today until May 30th.

Today in the music room during junior lunch there will be a free concert by our very own Kendra P.  The concert will feature both classical and modern piano pieces which Kendra played with tremendous success at the Brantford Music Festival this spring.  Kendra will be playing our new baby grand piano which was donated by a former teacher, Stephen Moyer.  If you love listening to the piano or if you want to be inspired by amazing talent and dedication, then this concert is for you.  Feel free to bring your lunch.  All students who have junior lunch are welcome.  Again, that’s today during junior lunch.

All students who are going on the St. John’s fishing trip please attend a brief meeting in Room 267 at the beginning of lunch today.

Are you travelling to New York City tomorrow?  Then this important message is for you.  We will be having a short and an important meeting today at the beginning of junior lunch in Room 231.  It is important that you attend.