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Monday, October 15, 2018

This announcement is for all those students who are going on the Europe trip in March.  We will be having a meeting tomorrow-Tuesday, October 16th in Mrs. Davies room at the beginning of your lunch.  Come when your lunch starts and bring your lunch.  Bring any permission forms that have not been submitted.

Attention students interested in joining the intermediate band, this band is made up of mostly grade 9 and 10 students who can already play an instrument and read music at a beginner level.  Instruments are provided by the school.  The band practices once a week on Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:30.  If you are currently taking grade 9 music, if you took music last year, or if you learned to play an instrument at your previous school, then this band is for you.  Please sign up on the door of room 142 some time this week.  More information is posted outside the music room.  See Mrs. Marriot if you have any questions. 

Attention piano players, if you have completed your grade 6 piano exam and are interested in earning some money teaching piano lessons, please see Mrs. Marriott for a teaching opportunity.

There will be cross-country practice today after school.