Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Attention swim team, your jackets are ready for pick up. Please see Ms. DaSilva in room 267 during your lunch to pick it up. Check D2L for more details.
Any boys in Grade 11 or 12 interested in playing Senior Boys rugby are asked to attend an important meeting in room 112 at the beginning of Senior lunch tomorrow-Wednesday.
Any boys in Grade 10 interested in playing Junior Boys rugby or grade 9 boys interested in playing Midget rugby are asked to attend an important meeting in room 112 at the beginning of Junior lunch this Thursday.
Attention music students, concert band will be having an extra rehearsal today after school, in addition to Wednesday’s regular practice. Please make every effort to be at both because festival is next week. Vocal ensemble rehearsal will be cancelled this week as a result of this change. Again, concert band is practicing both today and tomorrow this week.
Are you travelling to France and Italy this March break with Mrs. Distefano and Ms. Davies, then this message is for you. There will be a mandatory lunch meeting today regarding this trip. Please meet Ms. Davies in room 231 at the beginning of lunch if you have junior lunch and meet Mrs. DiStefano in room 232 at the beginning of lunch if you have senior lunch. Bring your lunch.