Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Attention all students taking either French or Italian next year. Are you interested in traveling to France and Italy over the March break next year with The Modern Languages Department? Please drop by room 210 today to speak to Madame and to receive more information.
Student’s planning on attending a post-secondary school in the fall with intentions of pursuing scientific or technological careers may wish to apply to be nominated for the James Hillier Foundation scholarship. This scholarship is for general academic fees up to $5,000.00 per year for a maximus of 4 years. Nomination applications can be picked up in Student Services. Nomination applications are due to Student Services by Friday, April 26, 2019.
Secondary school girls are invited to a free career event on Saturday, April 6th, 2019. Don’t miss out on the Dream It, Be it Event from 9 to 3:30 on April 6th at 33 Diana Avenue, Brantford. Lunch and transportation pick up is available from St. John’s College as well as other school locations. There is a grand door prize of a refurbished IMAC desktop computer, swag bags, door prizes, speakers’ panel and keynote speaker, Alysha Brilla. Seating is limited. Pre-register at Be empowered to pursue your career goals and reach your full potential.
Attention all Grade 12s, Prom is coming up quickly and we need to get planning. If you would like to be apart of this year’s planning committee, please come to an important first meeting tomorrow-Thursday at Senior lunch in Room 203. Theme discussions will be made at this meeting. Please bring your lunch and be prompt.