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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Tickets for our Spring Musical, Bring It On, are now on sale in the Main Office.  Adults $15.00, Students and Seniors $10.00. 

Students wishing to acquire some community involvement hours should refer to the opportunities board outside of Student Services.  There is currently a need for a student or students to do some yard work for an elderly lady.  Please see the board for details.  Also, applications form to apply to do hours with the city of Brantford for the Canada Day celebration can be found on Mrs. Spiers desk in Student Services.

Attention graduates, are you looking for more information on summer employment?  Are you taking a year off to work before going away to school, or are you going directly into the work force?  If so, there will be a presentation on Wednesday, May 22nd to provide you with more information on the community services available to you.  If you are interested in attending, please sign up in the guidance office today.

Attention all students traveling to France and Italy on the March Break next year with the Modern Languages Department, please see Madame in you have not made your deposit but you intend to do so.

Do you want to do something exciting over the March break 2020?  Are you interested in learning and seeing the arts, cultures, sights and sounds of Germany, Switzerland, and Italy?  If you said yes to both questions, then this message is for you.  There will be an information meeting for parents and students about the March 2020 Europe trip on Wednesday, May 22nd at 6:00 p.m. in the upper staffroom.  We will be going over the trip’s itinerary and all details.

Any students wishing to take summer school with Grand Erie can come to Student Services for registration information.  If you have questions about summer school, please see your guidance counsellor.