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Monday, May 27, 2019

Are you interested in travelling on the March Break 2020 trip to Germany, Switzerland and Italy?  If you missed the information meeting, you can pick up the package with all itinerary, pricing and details from Ms. Davies in room 231.  We can also give you new information about acquiring a grade 11 credit in conjunction with this trip.

The annual athletic banquet will take place on Monday, June 10th.  Tickets are $20.00 and will go on sale the week prior.  Athletes and coaches come to the celebration of Success.  This year will be catered by Sammy’s and include a chicken and rib dinner.  See Mr. Pomponio for more details or to reserve your ticket.

Grade 12 students interested in applying for a $1,000.00 Kiwanis Club of Grand River Endowment Fund bursary can obtain an application in Student Services.  Applications are invited from students who wish to continue their education at a post-secondary institution in Canada with a preference given to students who pursue studies in health education or in a related field.  Applications are due no later than May 31, 2019.

Grade 12 students interested in applying for the Ted Beare Memorial Bursary can obtain an application in Student Services.  Applications are invited from students who have graduated or will graduate in 2019 from a Brant County secondary school and who will begin first year studies in September at a post-secondary institution in a sports related field such as, but not limited to, physical education, kinesiology, media studies leading to a career in sports journalism, or related programs.