Wednesday, June 5, 2019
The annual athletic banquet/bbq will take place June 10th in the school cafeteria. Tickets can be purchased via schoolcashonline and need to be purchased by June 6th. Come share a great chicken and rib dinner and celebrate the year in Athletics. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:00 p.m. and awards to follow. Coaches confirm your attendance with Mr. Pomponio.
Any students wishing to take summer school with Grand Erie can come to Student Services for registration information. If you have questions about summer school, see your guidance counsellor.
Attention all students traveling to France and Italy over the March Break with the Modern Languages Department, please see Madame to discuss the rooming list. Please see Madame as soon as possible as this information must be submitted to the travel agency at this time.
Attention students wishing to accumulate some community hours. The City of Brantford is looking for volunteers for the Canada Day celebration to be held July 1st at Lion’s Park. See the volunteer hours bulletin board outside for contact information.
Attention Grade 12 Graduating Students who will be attending post-secondary school this fall or in the fall of 2020. The Brant District Women’s Institute is offering a $1,000.00 Bursary to a successful applicant. Details and applications are available in Student Services and are due to the Brant District Women’s Institute July 30, 2019.