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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Attention Grade 12 students interested in applying for the Horatio Alger Canadian Scholarship Program.  Up to $10,000.00 each will be awarded to 170 students across Canada.  Students applying to university can view some details on the Scholarships, Awards, and Bursaries bulleting board outside of Student Services.  Scholarship applications are due to the Program October 25, 2019.

Attention curlers, anyone interested in trying out for the boys or girls curling team, come see Mr. Todd in Room 202 at 8:30 a.m. or on your lunch.  New curlers are welcome.  Mr. Todd doesn’t have junior lunch, but feel free to come into 202 during your lunch and Mr. Todd will take the time for you. 

Attention math people, students interested in writing a Fall Math Contest should come see Mr. Todd in Room 202 at 8:30 a.m. or at you lunch.  Mr. Todd will give you the details on entering the new math contest when you come see him.

Attention students needing to accumulate community involvement hours.  Brantwood is currently looking for volunteers at their school events, fundraising events, and programs, among other things.  Please see the opportunity posted on the board outside of Student Services.  Brantwood also welcomes co-op placements.

Students are reminded to ensure that the community hours they accumulate are eligible according to Ministry guidelines.  Hours should be for non-profit organizations and not duties that someone would normally be paid for.  Hours cannot be accumulated during school hours.  If you are unsure if your hours will count, please contact your guidance counsellor.  The community involvement hours forms are available on the black shelving unit in Student Services and they include information on the back about eligible and ineligible activities.  Again, when in doubt, ask questions.

The blessing of the newly created Rosary Garden will be taking place on Thursday, October 3rd at 3:30 in the courtyard.  If you helped to create the garden in June or if you wish to attend, please see Madame in Room 210 so that arrangements can be made based on the number of people attending. 

Are you planning on graduating in June and are interested in pursuing a college education?  Would you like to visit a popular college campus before committing to a school?  Well look no further, Mrs. Ronson is organizing a free bus trip to Fanshawe College on Wednesday, October 16th.  If you are interested, then please sign up with Mrs. Ronson in Student Services by Wednesday, October 9th.

Attention singers, if you signed up for the SJC vocal ensemble or choir, please come to our first rehearsal today after school in room 142.  The rehearsal will run from 3:15 to 4:15. If you have not yet signed up on the list but would like to join, please come.  All are welcome.  See Mrs. Marriott if you can’t make it today but would still like to join.  Again, the rehearsal is from 3:15 to 4:15 in room 142 today.