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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Attention Grade 12 students applying to attend Niagara College.  Niagara College has up to 12 bursary awards of $2,500.00 for students in financial need.  They are looking for technology focused superstars.  Interested students may be those looking at a future in carpentry, computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, welding etc.  Information about Niagara College’s Paul and Gerri Charette Endowed Bursary are available at as well as on the bulletin board outside of Student Services.

If you are the recipient of an academic award but were unable to attend the ceremony, please come to the Principals Office today to pick up your award.

Attention potential graduates.  This is a reminder that if you have paid your grad fee, you should have or will soon be receiving your grad photo information flyer that will include your scheduled date and time.  Please note that grad photos take place at the school in Room 274 during your scheduled time between January 7 through to January 22, 2020.  If you have a conflict or you miss your appointment and you’d like to re-schedule you must see Student Services secretary Mrs. Spiers or Grad coordinator Mrs. Ronson as soon as possible.  If you have not yet made your grad payment and would still like a grad photo and/or would like to participate in the graduation ceremony, then please see Mrs. Ronson in Student Services no later than Thursday, December 19th, 2020.