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News from the Boardroom

Meeting of the Board of Trustees

At the September 22, 2020 Meeting of the Board of Trustees...

Committee and Staff Reports

Bill 197, COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020

Trustees approved the Bill 197, COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 Report. The newly introduced legislation provides direction relating to suspensions, streaming, discrimination-free classrooms and demographic data. More details will be released in the near future.

Student Trustee Report

Trustees received the Student Trustee Report that included:

As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, schools everywhere were forced to retreat to remote learning. Now that things have begun to reopen, students have returned to the classroom setting. Although some students have chosen to continue with virtual learning, the majority of our board’s population is participating face to face. 

As of right now, this year’s student senate is still being composed. However, once it is, monthly meetings will be set in motion.

At Assumption, things are running smoothly. A staggered entry plan for the first week helped introduce students to new protocols in the building. Wednesday September 16th was the first day with all grades in attendance, and it was a success.

Following signage, proper sanitation, and mask wearing has quickly become second nature.  The teachers have done a great job enforcing these procedures and most students have adjusted without issue. It is the popular opinion that teachers have also been very accommodating and compassionate with students during these unprecedented times. They are conscientious of how long the school day feels having to sit in the same class and are flexible with breaks and necessary walks to get fresh air.

The Assumption College student council has decided to hold weekly meetings over Zoom; our first one was this past Tuesday. Grade 9 shirt sizes were collected to outfit all of them for the first spirit wear day. We hope to bring some sense of normalcy and fun to the school even though most events for this portion of the year have been cancelled. The Ready, Set, Go introduction course was cancelled this year, there will be no Grade 9 Colour Night, and as of right now, all dances are postponed.