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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Attention Music students!  Band is back!  The concert band will begin rehearsing on Wednesday, September 29th in the cafeteria from 3:15 to 4:45.  Rehearsals will be every Wednesday after school in the cafeteria.  All students who can already play an instrument are welcome to join.  If you can already play a band instrument and are interested in joining, please sign up on the list posted on the board outside of room 142, the music room.  Remember that if you need to use a school instrument, you will need to get an instrument agreement form signed prior to the first rehearsal.  See the sign-up sheet for information or find Mrs. Marriott in room 142 if you have questions.

Grade 12 University bound students should take a look at the Loran Scholarship opportunities.  Nomination applications are due to SJC in Student Services by Wednesday, September 29th, 2021.  The Loran Application and information are available in Student Services.  Please ask Mrs. Spiers or your counsellor for more information.

Students interested in Western University next year.  After careful deliberations, we have decided that Western University will continue to offer virtual events in place of traditional in-person school visits for Fall 2021.  For students interested in Western, please have them check our Fall presentation schedule at, What is Western Like, Presentation and Events.  If students are unable to attend at the scheduled time, these sessions will be recorded and posted to our website.  Western Campus Tours and on-campus events remain paused the remainder of the year.  We hope to re-launch in the new year pending guidance from the Middlesex-London Health Unit, in addition to following university and government guidelines.



Monday, September 20, 2021

Attention grade 12’s.  Waterloo University will be delivering a virtual presentation to students tomorrow-Tuesday, September 21st at 5:30 p.m. and will share information about life at Waterloo, our programs, and admission requirements.  Students can access this presentation by clicking the following link (no download required):  A reminder that other schools will have students in attendance at this webinar as well.

Attention Music students!  Band is back!  The concert band will begin rehearsing on Wednesday, September 29th in the cafeteria from 3:15 to 4:45.  Rehearsals will be every Wednesday after school in the cafeteria.  All students who can already play an instrument are welcome to join.  If you can already play a band instrument and are interested in joining, please sign up on the list posted on the board outside of room 142, the music room.  Remember that if you need to use a school instrument, you will need to get an instrument agreement form signed prior to the first rehearsal.  See the sign-up sheet for information or find Mrs. Marriott in room 142 if you have questions.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Attention all tennis players. Try outs for the Senior and Junior Tennis teams will begin next week. Please come to room 203 to pick up a permission form and to get more details. Forms and details will be on the door.

Attention Potential Graduates of 2022. Money Money Money! There are many Scholarships to be awarded if you apply. Although graduation is months away, students should start the scholarship application now. Consider signing up for as there are many scholarships available through this website where you can create a profile and this site will filter relevant scholarships for you. There are some substantial scholarships with due dates in October. Please come to Student Services if you are interested.

Attention grade 12’s. Waterloo University will be delivering a virtual presentation to students on Tuesday, September 21st at 5:30 p.m. and will share information about life at Waterloo, our programs, and admission requirements. Students can access this presentation by clicking the following link (no download required): A reminder that other schools will have students in attendance at this webinar as well.

Attention Music students! Band is back! The concert band will begin rehearsing on Wednesday, September 29th in the cafeteria from 3:15 to 4:45. Rehearsals will be every Wednesday after school in the cafeteria. All students who can already play an instrument are welcome to join. If you can already play a band instrument and are interested in joining, please sign up on the list posted on the board outside of room 142, the music room. Remember that if you need to use a school instrument, you will need to get an instrument agreement form signed prior to the first rehearsal. See the sign-up sheet for information or find Mrs. Marriott in room 142 if you have questions.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Attention all tennis players.  Try outs for the Senior and Junior Tennis teams will begin next week.  Please come to room 203 to pick up a permission form and to get more details.  Forms and details will be on the door.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Attention all grade 9 and 10 boys who are interested in trying out for Junior boys’ volleyball.  There is a sign-up sheet outside of the gym doors and try outs will be held today and tomorrow-Wednesday, after school in the gym.  Please see Ms. Heyens if you cannot make a try out or have any questions.

For all those interested in the golf team, please stop by room 237 to sign up and grab a permission form for golf tryouts.  First come, first served.  That’s golf team, room 237.


2021-2022 Student Timetables

REMINDER - The 2021-2022 Timetables will be emailed during the week of August 23 to August 28 to students/parents who have returned all three of the required forms which were mailed out in July.  The required (3) forms are the Student Information Verification Form, Notice of Collection & Use of Personal Information Consent Form, and the Techology Use Agreement Form.

Missed Photo Day?

Missed Photo Day?

Edge Imaging will have their professional photo studio set-up at the CORDAGE HERITAGE DISTRICT, 111 SHERWOOD DRIVE, UNIT 26, BRANTFORD, ON, offering school day photos and Graduation photo sessions, on July 6 and July 13. The sessions will adhere to strict public health guidelines just like during the past school year.

To book an appointment:

1.      Using a web browser, visit: 

2.      Scroll to the Graduation Photography or School Day Photography section.

3.      Select Brant Haldimand Norfolk Grad or Brant Haldimand Norfolk School Day Photo button. The Find Your School webpage displays.

4.      Type the Name of Your School in the search box. Choose Submit. The page updates with your school's information.

5.      Complete the 'appointment' selections including date and time.

6.      Choose Confirm Now. Your appointment is booked.

For any questions, please contact Edge Imaging directly. Remember, the sessions are held at CORDAGE HERITAGE DISTRICT, 111 SHERWOOD DRIVE, UNIT 26, BRANTFORD, ON, not at your school.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Attention graduates for June 2022! If you are interested in putting your name forward as a possible Valedictorian Candidate for this year’s graduating class, then you must complete the ‘Valedictorian Nomination Form’.  This form can be found in your Leaving the Nest package or online at under ‘Student Services’ -> ‘Grad Information ‘. All nomination forms must be submitted to Mrs. Ronson by Friday, December 3, 2021, by 3 p.m.

Attention curlers! We only have one practice this week and it’s today.  Please see Mr. Todd with any questions.



Wednesday, January 8, 2020

An important reminder to all Potential Grads.  Be sure to submit your 40 hours of Community Service to Student Services by the January 30th deadline.  If you have any questions, concerns or need another form to complete then please see you Guidance Counsellor as soon as possible.

Attention grade 12 students interested in applying for a Schulich Leader Scholarship.  Schulich is looking for entrepreneurial-minded innovators.  A Schulich Leader is a student who has been selected by one of Schulich’s 20 partner universities to receive $100,000.00 or $80,000.00 to pursue an undergraduate degree in an eligible STEM program.  St. John’s College can nominate one student to apply for a Schulich Leader Scholarship.  Details can be obtained in Student Services.  Applications to be a nominee are due in Student Services by Friday, January 17, 2020.

Attention students interested in participating in a student exchange program.  CEEF, the Canadian Education Exchange Foundation, is currently recruiting for the 2020-2021 program.  There are 2 and/or 3-month exchanges in the following countries:  France, Germany, Spain and Italy.  CEEF also arranges summer cultural exchanges with France and Spain.  Information and applications can be found at or e-mail:

Attention Grade 12 students applying to attend Niagara College in the fall.  Did you know that you may be eligible to receive a $1,000.00 scholarship?  Niagara College is offering $1,000.00 academic scholarships to Specialist High Skills Major applicants who meet certain criteria.  Details are available at

Attention graduates, if you have paid your grad fees and have not received your photo session appointment flyer in the mail, please see Mrs. Spiers in Student Services as soon as possible.  Flyers were mailed to your address shown in our database after payment of the fee.  It is important that you do not miss your photo session appointment.  Again, if you do not know when your grad photo session appointment is, please see Mrs. Spiers in Student Services at your very earliest opportunity.

If you are the recipient of an academic award but were unable to attend the ceremony, please come to the Principals Office today to pick up your award.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

If you are the recipient of an academic award but were unable to attend the ceremony, please come to the Principals Office today to pick up your award.

An important reminder to all Potential Grads.  Be sure to submit your 40 hours of Community Service to Student Services by the January 30th deadline.  If you have any questions, concerns or need another form to complete then please see you Guidance Counsellor as soon as possible.
